Suburb Murder (1992 Hong Kong)

 Suburb Murder (1992 Hong Kong)

Kang had a rough life. His mom ran out on him and his father when he was young, and his father was an abusive dick who confined young Kang to a boarding school. Needless to say - Kang fell in with the wrong crowd, and began a life of petty crime. After the murder of his girlfriend and best-friend, Kang freaks out and murders a couple and brutally rapes the girl. The whole film is told in flash-back, as Kang is being held on suspicion of the double-homicide... (IMDB  EVOL666)

The film is very loosely based on one of the most sensational of Hong Kong murder cases. In 1985, two teenagers, Kenneth McBride and Nicola Meyers, were savagely tortured and killed on a hillside on Hong Kong island. They were students at a posh English-language school, and the police worked overtime to find their killers, a gang of local hoodlums, of whom most were under 18. This film is an attempt to find a rationale for why they were killed.

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